Taking ad quality to the next level
We all know that ads that force redirects or contain malware are bad. But once you have a system like Ad Lightning in place to deal with malware and redirect ads, it becomes time to fine-tune your ad quality system and focus on other more subjective elements of ad quality.
Luckily, our new tools will allow you to reclaim control of ad quality dimensions like content, data leakage and other unwanted behaviors to decide what ads should and shouldn't be running on your site.
Report This Ad
Our new Report This Ad feature empowers readers and viewers to report ads that they find to be offensive or problematic. Simply by clicking on the "Report Ad" button, the entire ad mark up is sent to Ad Lightning for analysis and review in the UI.
The ad can be easily mapped to demand partner so that it can be blocked on a go-forward basis if necessary.

Data Leakage
With concerns about user privacy growing and new laws passing, it is more important than ever for publishers to be able to identify all companies collecting data on their website.
Our Data Collection Graph makes it easy to see the relationships between third party calls occurring in the ad delivery chain, allowing publishers to easily track down and report unwanted or non-compliant data collection.

Google Vision Analysis
Every brand has a different idea of what is appropriate for their website. With our visual analysis scanning, we can keep inappropriate ads or competitor ads off of your website.
Simply pick a phrase or string and our tool will scan the image for that text. If there is a match, the ad will be flagged as critical and sent to your demand partners to be blocked.